US Equities
For portfolio managers and traders finding liquidity on demand, in size, and at an advantageous price directly affects performance. Whether in large, small or mid cap stocks, JonesTrading is able to execute tough trades. Through our network of over 150 registered representatives, we source liquidity from over 2,500 institutions and hedge funds, and are able to execute blocks that clients demand, but which might not otherwise be available. We provide real-time market color on every order, in every stock. Our consultative approach is such that our traders tailor liquidity creation and execution strategy to each client and each order.

Tim O’Neil
President of Trading
Mr. O’Neil joined the firm in 1993 and has been a top producer for the firm covering several major institutions throughout the country. Mr. O’Neil was instrumental in opening the Dallas office in 1998. Mr. O’Neil has his BA in Finance from the University of Southern California and has been an officer and director of the Securities Traders Association of Los Angeles since 2004. He has his Series 7, 24, 55, and 63 industry licenses.
Contact Us
Tim O’Neil
Gary Cunningham
Chris Wildman